Spirit of Polo PRO Boots Double leather


Double leather Boots made by one of our best Argentinean Polo boot maker. Colors: Black, Chocolat, Brown, tawny or Buffalo. Boots available in classic shape with zip or in texan style. Taylor made +50 U$D





Product ID: 788 SKU: X29 Categories: , Tag:
Regular or Taylor Made

Regular, Taylor Made


36 slim, 36 standard, 36 wide, 37 slim, 37 standard, 37 wide, 38 slim, 38 standard, 38 wide, 39 slim, 39 standard, 39 wide, 40 slim, 40 standard, 40 wide, 41 slim, 41 standard, 41 wide, 42 slim, 42 standard, 42 wide, 43 slim, 43 standard, 43 wide, 44 slim, 44 standard, 44 wide, 45 slim, 45 standard, 45 wide, 46 slim, 46 standard, 46 wide


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